Friday, September 24, 2010


I am so behind...and so out of order!  Oh well....I do what I can do and hope for the best.

Here's one of the stories I promised....

I work in a hospital (no, I'm not a nurse..I work in Medical Records) on occasion I pass my doctor in the hall, which happened last Friday.  She asked about  my husband, then asked how I was.  I told her I needed to come see  her...she got a surprised look on her face...I don't go to the doctor; I don't get sick and when I do, I just tough it out.  Anyway, I have had a headache for 3 weeks (it was 3 weeks then, anyway)...and I started describing it to her.  As soon as I started talking...she pulled her prescription pad out of her pocket and starting writing a prescription, right there in the hallway.  She said it is a tension headache, "classic tension headache" were her exact words. 

As she writing, she says, (insert sarcasm) "this doesn't look suspicious, does it?".  It's probably one of those had to be there moments....but it was humorous to me at the time.

It took a few days of taking the medicine every 4 hours on the dot, but I have finally gotten some relief.  My headache still comes, but it is not nearly as intense and doesn't last for as long.  In fact, the last two days I've only had to take it the morning when I got up and again shortly after dinner. 

Now, if I could just identify and get rid of the cause.....can't have everything I guess!

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