Thursday, September 9, 2010

A gift

Some of you are aware that my husband has had a continual barrage of health problems.....

He received a gift from his aunt and uncle who live in Wisconsin (most of his extended family lives in the North).

I have seen and heard of these,but not ever received or partaken of was so incredibly GOOD!!

Look at the vase....isn't it cool?  They know their nephew, huh?

Edible Arrangements outdid themselves!

Cantaloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries, grapes, pineapple and the best part....
white and milk chocolate covered bananas!  There was ONE chocolate covered strawberry that my daughter found...and ate!) 

Speaking of the daughter...she was only at the house because she saw the truck pull in the driveway from her friend's house she was at.

ThAnK yOu Hugh and was awesome!!!


  1. We got one of those edible arrangements for my mother--the thing to get for a 90 year old who is trying to get rid of "stuff." It was a huge hit!


  2. I got one of those for my birthday a couple of years ago. It was a fantastic idea. I always forget about it when sending stuff to others. Thanks for the reminder!
