Saturday, August 14, 2010

First day of school

Kraig had his first "official" day of Kindergarten on the 12th...and it was as hard as I expected it to be.  For few weeks leading up to school starting, we started trying to prepare him for it. He had a few varied responses, especially as he got more frustrated with us asking.  He started with just simple "no's" and then one day he told Chris "why don't you go to school?".  It was so freaking funny.  He told me he didn't see the point...he is 5, right?

When the morning finally came, he started with the meltdowns about 8am...he went from "I will miss you" at the house

to "Will you walk inside with me" in the car to "Will you stay with me for a little while" in the parking lot

to "Please don't leave" when we were in the classroom.  Broke my heart.  When we got inside, he would not let go of me...he was holding my hand, but I had to write, so then he held my other hand....then my arm, then my bag.  I finally got him to use both hands to color the picture and I left.

The good thing is not only are Melody and Sidney in his class again this year (they have been in his class the last 2 years), Sidney is also sitting directly across from him. 

At the parent meeting on Friday afternoon....I found out that the mom of the little boy that sits next to him is a police officer, and the aunt of another student in his class is an EMT.  A dream class for Kraig...he is all about emergency services....fireman are his favorite, but police and ambulance are not far behind.

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! I'm sure he'll learn to love it eventually.
