We just released balloons for my niece's birthday. She would have been 7 today; she died when she was 2 months 6 days old. So today is always a bit reflective for me.
We went to Kroger to get balloons....on the way back home, Kraig asked when we would do balloons for Kyle. We hadn't mentioned Kyle or talked about him at all in relation to the balloons. He constantly amazes me with how astute he is!
Quick Family Update:
Labor Day is usually the last holiday of the summer. However, since school here starts so early, labor day is just another long weekend. We are three weeks into school already, which is a quarter of the first grading period. Nina is counting down each day until graduation, and Christopher still doesn't really enjoy school much. Hopefully from an academic standpoint he will begin to do better...he will get glasses soon. He is nearsighted, like me. In fact, we have the exact same prescription, so in theory, we could exchange glasses. But I got contacts a couple of weeks ago....and seem to have gotten the hang on putting them in, most of the time anyway. I still have trouble sometimes with my left eye.
Kyrstyna got her senior pictures taken last week....unfortunately, I will most likely not be purchasing them, at least not right away. You know what they say about hindsight. We went to Holland Studio because the school won't accept pictures from anyone other than them for the yearbook. I paid for the basic sitting plus 2 others, planning to purchase a small package and the proofs. Oh no. You have to place $200 order before you even have the opportunity to buy the proofs. I was so disgusted. The least expensive package is 160 dollars for a whole freaking 15 pictures. So we'll go tomorrow to look at the pictures, choose the one for the yearbook, and make other plans for the pictures we will purchase. I'll either find a less expensive photographer or take them myself, which is actually where I am leaning. I just wish I had known....we would have only had the basic package and not spent the time or money for the others. They are really cute pictures too!
Kraig went to one day of speech, and so far not gone back. I think he enjoys it OK, but he has such a hard time adjusting to change and new people that it's really hard for him. His first session was with a new speech therapist, and then he would have changed in a couple of weeks. So I decided to let him wait until he meets with the teacher he will be with for the whole year. I also found out the school now has a special needs preschool, so I am looking at trying to get him into that. His speech is mostly a pragmatic issue not language. ie he speaks well enough for his age, he just doesn't speak well with other people. It's a social issue, a developemental thing. So the SN preschool should be able to help him with that.