Sunday, June 21, 2009


Nina's Pioneer Family

Every few years, the church offers the opportunity for the youth to participate in is a simulation of the Mormon Pioneer trek west in the early days of the church. Nina decided to go this year. One of the leaders shared her pictures with me, and a CD was made and given to all who participated. It looks like an awesome and humbling experience.

Left to Right: Dede, Madison, Nina

Empty Handcart...I guess unloaded Handcart is probably more appropriate. They took pictures of many of the youth (and leaders), both in color and then converted to black and white next to this handcart, but there was not one of Nina. I looked through 1700+ pictures before I saw her to ask if there was one of her taken...there was not.

Loaded handcarts.....ready and waiting!

Nina with her family....not sure what they were doing, though. They look enthused, don't they?

Heading out..

Down hill...

Notice the "baby" Nina is now toting.

More walking....

And walking, again with the baby.

Camp Thursday night (the first day)...

I love campfires.....

Dancing Thursday night

Pioneer line dance?

Breakfast Friday morning....oatmeal...YUM....

Snack maybe...or lunch....not sure.

Pot of stew.....

Not sure what they were doing or making.....

Left to Right: Abby, Rose, Nina....not sure what they were doing...

They left on Thursday morning, and should have come home on Saturday, but due to severe storms, they came home early on Friday night. The storms brought tornadoes and very strong winds with them....(we spent about 40 minutes or so in the closet due to the sirens going off). They lost a few tents and had to run to a cabin. All of their stuff got wet, so the stake president decided to send everyone home. Going to pick them up, we noticed the street seemed awfully dark....the street lights were out, as was the power in that section of town. Lights were on at church however.

Dinner Friday night, after the great escape from the storms.

Tent stake....minus the tent, after the storms.

Tent stake with the tie attached, but still no tent.

Detached tent....

Flattened tent....

Blown away hat

Someone lost the baby.....

After the complaints about the heat and the mosquitoe bites and chiggers she brought home with her, I think Nina has a new appreciation not only for church history and the pioneers, but for the young men as well. On Friday, part of the trek was to simulate the time when many of the men were gone or the young men were not able to assist the girls. They had to do pretty much everything themselves, to include push/pull the handcarts. She said many of them wanted so badly to help, but had been instructed not to.

Coming up the hill

Snack after coming up the hill.....

Sleep after coming up the hill....she looks pretty zonked.

They got these T shirts at the Trek Reunion....I think it was a pretty clever idea.

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