Today was Kraig's big day...he is OBSESSED with fire trucks (he also likes "peace" cars and "amblances"--but fire trucks/men are his absolute favorite). A couple of weeks ago, the fire dept came to his class--they're picture was even in the Collierville paper--I'll try to scan and post that later. He came home with the biggest grin that day--and a fire helmet. He also said Mrs. Gilbert told them they would be going to the fire museum....well, we went today. We told him yesterday we'd be all evening, all he'd talk about was "after this night we go to the fire museum". He woke up at 540am, still talking about going.
He wore his helmet that he got from school. We also took a ride on the trolley afterwards, which is where this pic was taken (he is sitting on Chris' lap.)
He was a bit overstimulated, and didn't really like the sirens from some of the simulated trucks, but otherwise had a great time.